"Stay Fit in 2019" One Resolution & 7 Steps

As an entrepreneur or working professional, there is always a sense of panic, stress and meeting deadlines. For a lot of people, the pursuit of staying healthy - both mentally and physically while juggling a work-life balance seems like an insurmountable goal. Many people are torn between heavy workloads, managing relationships and family responsibilitiesHaving a hectic schedule can interfere with your fitness goals. Some working professionals have a life where they work for 6 days a week for 10 hours every day and have home assignments on weekends.
However, all these reasons seem mere excuses when they realize that being fit and healthy is a way of life. The moment they experience less tiredness or lesser stress; the moment feeling fresh sinks in after eating clean and healthy, they know that nothing can stop them from being fit and healthy.
This equilibrium can be achieved without raising our cortisol levels. With a little prioritization and time management strategies, you can have your career and personal life without burnout. The key word is BALANCE and following these 7 simple tips, this healthy way of living can improve your lifestyle inside and outside of the office.

1. Exercise

Physical activity is often the thing that gets put last on our list when we are busy. However, it is one of the best medicines for managing stress, metabolism, sleep, and getting those endorphins pumping. Exercise is so important that it ought to be first on the list every day. If you can get up and get going with a 30-45 min walk, run, cycle, or any variety of movement then you don't have to worry about it the rest of the day. It is also a good idea to always take stairs at work, and take fitness breaks throughout the day. Activity office breaks or even "DESKERCISE” is becoming more and more common in the workplace. If it is not part of your office culture, then here is your chance to show your leadership skills and just ask or lead by example! Your waistline, mental health, family, and co-workers will thank you.

2. Eat Healthy

Start your mornings with warm lemon water and one tablespoon of honey.
Make sure you have breakfast as a priority meal of the day by packing it with grains, carbohydrates, proteins and fibre which will give you the wholesome nutrition that your body needs to kickstart the day.
Snacking is something we all do when we overwork and always reach out for unhealthy ones because those are the ones that are typically available in the vending machines or the shops nearby. Avoid oily junk foods and try to work on light balanced meals like soup and salads along with toast or similar options that you would normally eat at home.
We almost tend to forget the importance of having smaller multiple meals in the day, which helps fight lethargy and even keeps the body healthy. Healthy snack that you can store in the office refrigerator is fruits and raw vegetables. 

3. Drink Water
Being immersed in work means losing track of how much water you’re drinking in a day. However, it's crucial that you drink enough to stay hydrated and active. Dehydration can cause ill effects, such as drowsiness and sluggishness therefore by drinking enough water you are flushing out toxins in your body and keeping yourself hydrated will help maintain many healthy functions of our often-overtaxed bodies. Proper hydration also helps us manage ideal body weight and that is always a good thing. Eating fresh, juicy fruits is a great way to beat dehydration and hunger pangs.
Many office dwellers may find it absolutely impossible to get through their day without consuming caffeinated beverages. This is okay as long as you practice moderation. Try to curb your caffeine consumption to one cup of coffee every morning to prevent a caffeine crash later in the day. Also, you can omit the use of sugar and cream in your coffee, and cut those calories.

4. Maintain correct Posture.

Maintaining good posture all day requires conscious effort. Most employees, who use computers, stare into their screen for hours and slowly get drawn into it. This means they stretch their neck forward, which puts pressure on the neck and the spine. This can be avoided with the help of certain desk exercises. The most popular one entails chin retractions - or making a fake double chin -- to support the neck and upper back.

5. Learn to Say No!

Think very carefully before saying the often-overused word "yes!" This word can, in fact, cause a lot of overwhelming. It is respectful to yourself to honor the time you have for your personal well-being, your family, and your career. There are limited hours in the day and they are very precious. In fact, one of the greatest gifts we have been given and can give to another is time. Try to remember how scarce time is when you make commitments. It is perfectly fine to say "no", and most likely necessary to maintain the healthy quality of life you seek.

6. Plan

Typically, someone that is juggling a lot at home and at work is used to planning. However, think more about the areas in which you are spending your time planning and are you getting the most out of your efforts. Planning your lunch helps ensure you are packing healthy options, saving money, and eating smart. Schedule small bits of time in your day for upcoming large work or home projects. This will help make certain you don't get overwhelmed and stressed out. Creating a smart schedule or time blocks for big items like work projects, meetings, errands, exercise, family time, etc. throughout your day will help you feel more confident that you can achieve all your goals and that includes equity between the office and home.

7. Sleep is A Priority

Bad things happen when we don't get enough sleep. It is true that lack of sleep is a form of torture. By getting the proper amount of sleep that is required for each of us as individuals, we can start off our day being happier, more productive, and with balanced hormones. Yes, that is right lack of sleep throws off the balance of our hormones which can lead to weight gain. Staying up a few hours might help get things checked off your list but the overall quality of your work, activities, and general happiness is just not worth it. An eight hours sleep is a must.

Always remember if you don't make yourself a priority no one else will. Starting putting yourself first on your to-do list. You will find you have a lot more energy to give at work and for others all the while having plenty of joy in doing so. To get a grip on your stress levels and work-life balance make the clear choice that this will be the NEW YOU in 2019. it just might be the best decision you ever made.

Wishing you a Fit, Active and Sporty 2019!!


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